Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free ebook copy of Bring Me Back By: B.A. Paris in exchange for an honest review.
I'm really confused on how I feel about books by B.A. Paris. Behind Closed Doors was beyond fantastic and I gave it 5 stars, but I disliked The Breakdown and I gave that book only 2 stars. When I saw that she had a third book coming out I really wanted to give it a try with the hope that it would be as good as Behind Closed Doors. I hate to say it, but Bring Me Back was a bit of a disappointment for me. I feel very in the middle about it.
The book is a fast-paced and enjoyable read, however the ending is too predictable and it seemed quite abrupt and rushed to me. Bring Me Back had such great tension, but it all led up to an ending that I didn't care for. Also, I thought that all of the theories the MC Finn came up with throughout the novel were just weird and not plausible. The idea that I had from early on in the book turned out to be the case. That left me feeling dissatisfied. Perhaps I've read too many thrillers lately? Overall Bring Me Back was okay for me. I think that somebody who doesn't read a ton of thrillers (or likes the enjoyable ride more than the twist) would like this one a lot more than I did.