October 4, 2016

Watch Me Rise By: Tara R. Mini Review

Thank you to the author for providing a free ebook copy of Watch Me Rise in exchange for an honest review. 

Short Review Summary: 
Fast and enjoyable read, with a little something unexpected.

Back in August I read and reviewed the prequel novella (Feel Me Break Review, Scroll past the other mini review.) and I couldn't wait to read the full length follow up novel Watch Me Rise. I am happy to say that I enjoyed this one and rated it 4 stars as well! 

Watch Me Rise continues the story about Chloe and Nick and their romance. I like that this follow up book is about more than their romance and each one dealing with their own issues. The added suspense of the hunt to find out more about the death of Chloe's brother is fantastic. I wasn't expecting that and not only do I love surprises, but I think it added a terrific dynamic that really rounded out the novel. This book just flew by for me and before I knew it, it was over and I was left with all of these feels.

Overall I like most everything about Watch Me Rise. The only minor complaint I have is that the very end was pretty cheesy. That's not necessarily always a bad thing, but in this case I think I could have done without that. I really love Chloe and Nick and their story. I can't wait to see what this author writes next! 

I recommend Watch Me Rise for fans of romance novels with an emphasis on emotional healing and moving on. I don't know if you HAVE to read the prequel novella first, but personally I would recommend it. 