August 16, 2016

MINI REVIEWS!! The Birds & Other Stories By: Daphne Du Maurier & Feel Me Break By: Tara R.

Sorry, no memes this week! 

My overall rating for The Birds & Other Stories is 4 stars, but since it is a collection of stories I decided to also rate the stories individually. 

The Birds
5 Stars

I LOVED this one. I grew up watching the Alfred Hitchcock movie for The Birds, but I never knew it was a story first until a few years ago. Since then I've been meaning to read it and I finally got around to it! As much as I loved it I can't say it's better than the movie. I really enjoyed the movie and story equally. 

Monte Verita
2 Stars

This one was a little bit meh for me. It was kind of slow and just an okay story. It wasn't bad, but not great either. It was also very long so it did drag on and on. 

The Apple Tree
4.5 Stars

I originally was going to give this one 4 stars without the other half star, but after some time went by I kept thinking about it. This a story that is good while reading it, but ends up great because it stays in your mind.

The Little Photographer 
3 Stars

This one was like Monte Verita for me. It wasn't bad, but not terrific either. I did like it better than Monte Verita, but it wasn't as long either. 

Kiss Me Again, Stranger
4 Stars

How could I not like this one? The line, "Kiss Me Again, Stranger" alone is just magnificent. 

The Old Man
4 Stars

This story started off a little blah, but then I did like the ending. Even though it was pretty odd. It was a bit out of nowhere and it reminded me of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. Which I LOVE, so I ended up really enjoying this one. 

Overall The Birds & Other Stories is a pretty great set of gothic stories. The Birds is my favorite story in the book of course, but there are other good ones too that make this worth a read. As always with collections of stories there are always a few that you just don't care for as much as others. 

I recommend The Birds & Other Stories for fans of Shirley Jackson, Poe, and Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca. This is a perfect book for fans of gothic reads.

Thank you to the author for providing an ebook copy of Feel Me Break in exchange for an honest review! 

As you all may know by now I am not really a novella reader. However the summary of Feel Me Break really stood out to me and so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it. There is a whole lot of emotions packed into this novella! 

The author did let me know that this is a prequel novella (with cliffhanger) and that there will be a full length novel coming out. I am so HAPPY that there will be a full length novel because after reading this I really need it. My favorite thing about this novella is Chloe and Nick's characters. Gosh, they just had such good chemistry and I like both of them. Also, the writing is just beautiful and drew me in from page one. Which let's face it is a must for such a short read!

Overall Feel Me Break is a fantastic novella. I can't wait for the full length novel, Watch Me Rise. I need to know what happens to Chloe and Nick! I feel like it left off right as it was getting to all of the really GOOD stuff. Feel Me Break certainly left me wanting more that's for sure. 

I recommend Feel Me Break for all New Adult fans. This is such a fast read and it's only $0.99 on Amazon right now! If you love New Adult books then I say why not try this one before Watch Me Rise comes out.