Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is Top Ten Favorite Villains.
I love this topic because one of my favorite things in a book is a great villain. Whether the villain is one you can't help but root for or one that makes you so mad you have to remember he/she is imaginary, a well written villain is an important part of many stories. I had a hard time putting this list into a specific order so I didn't this time.
In no particular order:
1. Joe Goldberg from You By: Caroline Kepnes
Joe creeps me out. His character is so well written and I love that the book is from his POV.
2. The Darkling from The Grisha Series By: Leigh Bardugo
The Darkling is my favorite character from the whole series!
3. Dolores Umbridge & Voldemort from The Harry Potter Series By: J.K. Rowling
Umbridge is worse than Voldemort and may be my #1 villain of all time. I'm not sure, but her character does infuriate me an awful lot. She's that well written! Voldemort is just as well written, but in a different way. He has more depth to him in my opinion.
4. Annie Wilkes from Misery By: Stephen King
Psycho fan for the win. Haha.
5. Carrie from Carrie By: Stephen King
I love a villain you can empathize with and root for. Go Carrie!
6. Hannibal Lecter From The Hannibal Lecter Series By: Thomas Harris
Hannibal may be the smartest villain ever created. How can you not root for him just a TINY bit?
7. Pennywise from It By: Stephen King
Oh Pennywise, creeping out coulrophobics since the 80s.
8. Dracula from Dracula By: Bram Stoker
You know as a vampire fan I had to put Dracula on my list.
9. Charles Manx from NOS4A2 By: Joe Hill
Manx is creepy. He makes Christmas creepy. I love it and we need more creepy Christmas stuff.
10. Randall Flagg from The Stand By: Stephen King
I always see that Flagg is arguably the best villain ever written. I don't know about that personally, maybe, but either way Flagg is DEFINITELY top ten worthy.
Levana from The Lunar Chronicles By: Marissa Meyer
This B pissed me off so much. Well written Marissa Meyer, well written.
Valentine from The Mortal Instruments Series By: Cassandra Clare
Please, please, please don't judge me for why I put this one on the list. I had to because Jonathan Rhys Meyers played Valentine in the movie and not only is he HOTTTT (sorry hubby if you're reading), but I enjoyed the City of Bones movie. I wish they had kept on with the movies instead of making that cheesy Shadowhunters show honestly.
Okay that's it for my Top Ten Favorite Villains! Do you love/loathe/love to loathe any of these characters as well? Who are some of your favorite villains?