September 5, 2016

Music Monday- #NewTunes

Music Monday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Always Me. The idea behind it is to share one or two songs that you have been enjoying lately. 

New music!!! I LIVE for new music. Since I listen to music ALL DAY practically I burn myself out on songs quickly and I need new stuff. So I anxiously await new music to be released so I can find something new to obsess over. Here's two new songs that I have been listening to and LOVING! 

1. Make Me Move By: Britney Spears 

I HATED this song at first. Like, really hated it. Then it grew on me. I don't even know why I like it. I couldn't tell you. I just like the sound of it for whatever reason. Also, I love how she sings the "oh yeah" part. LOL! 

*I couldn't put the YouTube video on here for this one so I just added the link to it.*


I just want you to make me move
Like it ain't a choice for you, like you got a job to do
Just want you to raise my roof
Something sensational (oh yeah) 

2. Take Me Down By: The Pretty Reckless 

I LOVE The Pretty Reckless and I was so excited to see they have a new song out. I love the lyrics and the whole make a deal with the devil for rock 'n' roll thing! I almost saw them in concert once, but they UNFORTUNATELY had to cancel. :'( 


Standing at the crossroads
A dried up pen in hand
The conversation went like this
'Tell me your desire why you pulled me from the fire
and we'll seal the deal with a kiss'
said 'I wanna raise the dead
Find a note that I can shred 
On my walls I scrawl my gods
Don't care what happens when I die
As long as I'm alive 
All I wanna do is rock, rock, rock!'

That's it for this Music Monday! What do you think of these songs/artists? Have you ever HATED a song and then ended up loving it? Feel free to let me know any good new music that you've been listening to. I'm always on the prowl for new tunes!