July 13, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday- The Architect of Song By: A.G. Howard

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Breaking the Spine. The idea behind it is to share upcoming releases that we can't wait to get our hands on!

My pick for this week is The Architect of Song By: A.G. Howard. OMG this book looks so perfect. It sounds very gothic and beautiful. I haven't read any of A.G. Howard's other books yet, but I have Splintered and I need to read it. Honestly, this book sounds more up my alley though. I just can't wait to read it and see what happens! Luckily, it's coming out not too far from now!! 

Expected Publication Date: August 15, 2016 

What do you think, does Architect of Song sound intriguing to you as well? Can we talk about that cover for a minute? This is one of the most gorgeous covers I have seen. Have you read any of A.G. Howard's other novels? What are you waiting on this Wednesday?