July 13, 2017

Where Did AngelErin Go? I Have Some UPDATES Guys!

Well as some of you may have noticed I have been absent from my blog for SO LONG! Things have been super crazy and busy in my life for about four months now. I am currently going through a divorce (good riddance to that scumbag) and trying to figure out a job situation. I have been a SAHM for almost 11 years due to my daughter's autism. So all of this has been a very stressful, but hopefully something will work out though!

Besides the stress, I have been extremely happy the past few months. I've never been this happy and I'm really enjoying it that's for sure. Also, I have a new and wonderful man in my life. I'll leave that at that for now. Let's see what else has been going on... I went on a mini beach vacay in Corpus Christi, my daughter turned 13 in April, my sons just turned 10 on the 6th of July, I've been working on a poetry book to self-pub one day, I lost 83 lbs, and I got off the keto diet.

Also, I've just been trying to keep up with my kiddos and all of the other normal day to day things in life on top of everything else.  All of this combined with a book slump and I haven't been reading much until recently. If you follow me on Instagram ( angelerinsbookobsession ) then you may have seen me around a bit on there. Here's some recent pictures that I posted!

I honestly think that Bookstagram is my favorite bookish thing, besides reading, so I have tried to keep up with that some. I've been on Twitter just a tad here and there and very recently I'm trying to get back into all the bookish things again. However, I'm sure it won't be as much as before.

When I have had a little bit of lazy time (especially while I was in the book slump) I did watch some TV shows and listen to some great music. Here are my favorites lately!

Halsey is LIFE!!! I have NOT stopped listening to this album since it came out and I love every song! Also, right now my Twinnies and I are obsessed with that Despacito song. It's been on repeat a lot as well. 

I used to watch Degrassi back in the day and I couldn't help trying out the new Netflix series for it. It's definitely a guilty pleasure for me. I binged the first three seasons and then when season four came out I watched it all in one day. Oops. 

I started watching Reign a while back, but then I got distracted by other things and now this is what I'm currently watching. I love it so far and I'm almost done with season two. 

I know I've watched a few movies, but I can't even tell you which ones I've seen recently. LOL! I seriously have not been able to keep up with my life lately, but I'm thrilled to be back on the blogosphere. Even if I did miss my 2nd Blogoversary the other day on July 10th. Haha. 

Here's a few other pictures from recently that I wanted to share. I especially love the one with all of my kiddos. It's so hard to get all of us in a picture and it turn out well! Oh, and you can add me on Snapchat ( Erinld2005 ) if you want and I'll add you back. 

Soooooo that's what I have been up to, that's all the craziness in my life that has kept me from blogging. I'm sure I don't owe anyone an explanation, but I miss everyone and I wanted you all to know why I disappeared. 

HOW IS EVERYBODY??? Tell me in the comments EVERYTHING about how you have been and what you are reading/watching/listening to! What all did I miss??? 

Sorry for such a long post. :P