July 12, 2017

The Gatekeeper's Son and The Fallen Gatekeepers By: C.R. Fladmark Reviews!

Thank you to Ryder Author Resources for providing a free copy of The Gatekeeper's Son By: C.R. Fladmark in exchange for an honest review. 

It took me a little bit of time to get into The Gatekeeper's Son. Partly because I have been so busy, but also because it was a little slow till about 100 pages in. However, once it got to that point it really picked up. Then once I hit about halfway it was really fast-paced and I couldn't put it down! The world building was a little slow for me, but it paid off because it was so well done. I couldn't wait to find out more about the world in the second book. 

I liked the characters a lot, especially Shoko and Okaasan. They definitely aren't weak women and I always appreciate strong females in books. I did like Junya also, but not as much because the first half of the book he did annoy me a tad. That being said as the book went on he had some great character growth and I love that!

Overall I really enjoyed The Gatekeeper's Son, especially the last half when there is so much action! I was so glad I had the second book already because I couldn't wait to start it. 

I recommend The Gatekeeper's Son for all fans of urban fantasy. I think any fan of the genre would enjoy this one. 

Thank you to Ryder Author Resources for providing a free copy of The Fallen Gatekeepers By: C.R. Fladmark in exchange for an honest review. 

I decided to do a shorter review for The Fallen Gatekeepers because I don't want to give away any spoilers for book 1. One thing I immensely enjoyed about this one is how it expanded on the world building. I am a sucker for great world building! I also liked how Junya and Shoko's relationship was more intriguing in this one. 

Overall I liked The Fallen Gatekeepers just as much as The Gatekeeper's Son and I can't wait for book 3! I did read this one super slowly as well because things have been loco in my life. However, the book is great and the end really left me wanting more!!

I also recommend The Fallen Gatekeepers to all urban fantasy fans. This is a terrific series so far. 