Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ebook copy of Psycho Analysis By: V.R. Stone in exchange for an honest review.
I was really looking forward to reading Psycho Analysis. The blurb sounds 100% right up my alley, but sadly it just wasn't for me like I thought it would be. As far as the writing goes it was good, but I just could NOT get into the story. There wasn't anything going on that really grabbed me and I got very bored. A part of me wanted to give it longer (I DNF'd at 15%), but I couldn't do it.
Overall I didn't care for Psycho Analysis and I think this is a case of it's just not my cup of tea. It sounded like it would be, but it just didn't intrigue me. Granted I didn't get too far so take my review with a grain of salt if the summary sounds interesting to you.
I can't personally recommend this one, but if it sounds good to you then give it a shot.
Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ebook copy of The Shadow Land By: Elizabeth Kostova in exchange for an honest review.
I was very excited to read The Shadow Land since I loved The Historian by this author so much. The Historian is one of my favorite novels, but this one did not do it for me. The writing in this one killed me from about page two. I feel like unimportant things are described in too much detail. The writing droned on and on. I felt like I had been reading forever and I wasn't very far in. To be honest, I only made it to 5% and I had to quit. Wow.
Overall The Shadow Land is a pretty disappointing read for me and I'm sad I had to DNF so early on. This book to me did not feel like the same writing that I loved in The Historian. Not everyone can be Tolkien and not every book needs that level of description. I couldn't get into this one at all so I figure why keep going if I already really dislike it?
I can't personally recommend this one, but if the blurb sounds good and you can handle long winded descriptions then maybe you'll like this one more than I did.