December 30, 2016

Never Out of Sight By: Louise Stone ARC Review

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ebook copy of Never Out of Sight By: Louise Stone in exchange for an honest review. 

Short Review Summary: 
Addictive. Fast-paced. Thrilling. 

Earlier this year I read S is for Stranger by this author and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  So of course I was excited to read a new book by her. I'm happy to say that I loved this as well! As a matter of fact, I loved this one even more. 

I was hooked from page one of Never Out of Sight. The writing is so addictive!! Even though the writing styles and genres are different, I would say that Louise Stone's writing is just as addictive as CoHo's. I could not put this book down. I would have read it all in one sitting had I not started it at midnight. It was so difficult to put the kindle down and go to bed.

I can't say that I LIKED any of the characters, but they sure were intriguing and this is a book where liking the characters isn't essential. These characters are not perfect and they all have secrets. JUICY secrets. I loved the mystery and the tension is on point. I had to keep reading to find out what happened to Freya's daughter, Zoe.  I won't give any spoilers, but let me just say that the ending was unexpected, twisted, and chilling. 

Overall I absolutely loved Never Out of Sight. This book did exactly what a mystery/thriller is meant to do. It kept me on the edge of my seat, I didn't guess the mystery, and it had fantastic twists and turns. In the summary it says, "A gripping psychological thriller..." and gripping is definitely the word I would use to describe this novel. I can't wait to read more by this author!

I recommend Never Out of Sight (and S is for Stranger) to ALL mystery/thriller fans.