August 9, 2016

The Couple Next Door By: Shari Lapena Review

Thank you to NetGalley and Pamela Dorman Books for providing an ebook copy of The Couple Next Door By: Shari Lapena in exchange for an honest review. 

I was really looking forward to reading The Couple Next Door. Especially since I've been in the mood for mystery/thrillers all summer long. I expected this one to hit the spot and be absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, it wasn't amazing. It was still a good read, but I was expecting more. 

The Couple Next Door started off well, but there wasn't anything spectacular that happened. Even now as I write this I can't really remember anything special about the book. Nothing that will cause it to stick out in my memory in the months/years to come. There were good things about the book, but I just felt pretty blah after I finished reading it. 

I liked the story okay, even though it wasn't perfect, but I did not like the writing style. I can't say anything was WRONG with it, but it just wasn't for me I suppose. I kept reading because I thought there was going to be a really big twist. Well there wasn't one. Okay there was, but it was a super predictable twist. The whole ending for me just felt really lame. At least this was a quick read and it was enjoyable despite it's flaws. 

Overall The Couple Next Door is not a bad book, but it did fall a bit flat for me. I ended up feeling pretty split about this book. I just wasn't impressed honestly. There wasn't anything crazy BAD about it, but it wasn't amazingly good or unique either.

I would recommend The Couple Next Door to someone looking to branch out into reading thrillers, but hasn't really read any before. This may be a better read and less predictable for someone who hasn't read so many mystery/thrillers. 