August 9, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten REWIND (Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start, But Haven't Yet)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic this week is Top Ten Rewind. Which means go back and do a topic that you missed. So I picked Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start, But Haven't Yet.

I decided to do this topic because I am ALWAYS saying, "Oh I need to start this series" or, "I really want to read that series!" There are so many books out there that I'm sure I would like, but we all know about that huge TBR monster. So here are some series that I really would love to start...eventually.

*Click the covers to view the first book in the series on Goodreads*

1. Penryn & the End of Days Series

2. Mara Dyer Series 

3. Anna and the French Kiss Series

4. The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series

5. Graceling Realm Series

6. The Iron Druid Chronicles Series

7. The Winner's Curse Series

8. Shatter Me Series

9. Air Awakens Series

10. Snow Like Ashes Series

Honorable Mention-

To All the Boys I've Loved Before Series

That's it for this Top Ten Tuesday REWIND! Have you read any of these book series? Probably, because I'm always behind. LOL!! I always hear amazing things about all of these and they all look right up my alley for sure. I need to get my hands on them ASAP and hopefully read them sooner rather than later. :D What series would you like to start, but haven't yet?