May 23, 2016

Music Monday #1- Recent Faves

Music Monday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Always Me. The idea behind it is to share one or two songs you have been enjoying lately. 

It's Monday! My most dreaded day of the week, as it is for most of us out there. For me music is as much a part of my life as books are. So I've been wanting to do a music meme for a while. After looking at a few different memes I decided to do this one since I hate Monday's and music is a great way to perk up! So for my first Music Monday here are a few of my recent favorites. What I mean by that is I've just discovered them recently and already they are on my all time favorites list! 

1. Death By: White Lies 
Recently I rewatched A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night (it's an awesome horror movie on Netflix) and it really struck me how much I love the music in the movie. Death is my favorite song from the movie and also I love that part of the movie too.  I also really like "To Lose My Life" and "First Time Caller" by White Lies. I definitely need to listen to more by them and listen to the whole A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night soundtrack soon!

Lyric- "Who's driving this anyway
I picture my own grave, 'cause fear's got a hold on me
Yes, this fear's got a hold on me"


2. Feels By: Kiiara
I first heard the song "Gold" by Kiiara and I enjoyed it, but I wasn't blown away. Then I saw "Feels" on Spotify and randomly decided to give the song a try. I really love this one and it captures how I feel most of the time. It instantly shot up to one of my favorites because the lyrics really resonate with me on a very deep level. Some of her other songs are great as well. I also recommend "Intention."

Lyric- "And I got way too many feels, way too much emotion
I don't even know what's real, I just say fuck it, keep on going" 


Okay so that's it for my first Music Monday! Have you heard any of these songs/artists before? What excellent music have you discovered recently?