Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is Top Ten Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed.
There really aren't that many books that I end up feeling different about later, but it does happen. I have a few that later I realized I didn't like it as much and a few that I ended up liking even more. So I decided to split them up into those two categories!
Books That I Didn't Like As Much After Time Passed:
1. Breaking Dawn- Stephenie Meyer
When I first read the Twilight series and Breaking Dawn came out I was not fully happy with this book. However over time and a few rereads I began to really hate this one. The more I thought about it the more I disliked it. Especially the big lead up to a battle at the end and NOTHING HAPPENED. I've since changed the rating for this one from like a three to a one star rating.
2. Perks of Being A Wallflower By: Stephen Chbosky
After I read Perks of Being A Wallflower I rated it five stars because I really enjoyed it. However, later a few things about Charlie and how people treated him bugged me and I brought it down to a three star rating.
3. Evermore By: Alyson Noel
On Goodreads I had Evermore rated four stars (the second book two stars), but now I can't even remember what happened in the book. I can recall that I didn't like the writing, but the story was okay in this one. I just don't remember anything that happened so I must not have liked it enough for four stars. I've since changed it to two stars.
4. The Wedding By: Nicholas Sparks
I don't know why I liked this one after reading The Notebook. I literally don't remember ANYTHING about this book. I couldn't even recall who this one was about. I changed the rating on this one as well down to two stars.
5. Mockingjay By: Suzanne Collins
I don't know why, but I had this one rated five stars after I first finished it. I didn't really like it though after some time passed. It's okay, but I wasn't pleased with this book overall. So I changed it to three stars a while back.
6. The Heir- Kiera Cass
This one is probably my least drastic change. I really enjoyed The Heir and I rated it four stars, but after some time I realized I didn't like it THAT much. I've since changed it to three stars.
Books That I Like More After Time Passed:
1. The Lord of the Rings By: J.R.R. Tolkien
After I first read LOTR I think I was just so exhausted from it. I liked it, but didn't love it. Then later my love and appreciation for it really grew. It's very epic and J.R.R. is VERY wordy. It was a struggle to get through, but the story is well worth the five stars I've since changed the rating to.
2. Ender's Game By: Orson Scott Card
Ender's Game is my husband's all time favorite novel. So when we first got married all I heard for years was how I needed to read this book. I would tell him I'm not really into space type books and he would tell me that's not really what it's like. So I finally gave in and read it (We had some sort of deal we made and I'm sure I got something awesome in return haha!) and I did like it, but I didn't think it was the best book or anything. After some time I liked it more and rated it four stars, but it's still not my favorite book or anything. I have zero desire to read any more Orson Scott Card books.
3. Partholon Series By: P.C. Cast
I should have put this book on my last TTT about picking up books on a whim, but I didn't think of it. I just randomly picked this one up at the library and read the first three books. I really enjoyed reading these and I rated them four stars on Goodreads. Now after some time I keep thinking about this series and wanting to know what happened. I want to reread the ones I have read and continue the series. I really need to buy these and I think this would go up to five stars for sheer enjoyment reasons.
4. Vampire Academy By: Richelle Mead
I read the first two in the Vampire Academy series and I rated both three stars and then I had no desire to continue. However, during that time it seemed like all there was in YA was vampire books. Now that the vampire craze has died down a little and I'm not burned out I think I would enjoy these more. Over time I keep thinking about the characters and the story and I really want to see what happens. I think I would like this one more with a reread.
So that's it for my Top Ten Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed. Like I said, for me most of my book ratings and opinions stick. There is one every now and then that I do change my mind on though. What about you, do you change ratings often? What do you think of these books on my list? What books have you felt differently about after some time has passed?