Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic for this week is Top Ten Books To Read If You Are In The Mood For X.
I chose to do top ten books to read if you are in the mood for book/movie comparing because that's one of my favorite things to do! All of these books have a movie adaptation so you can read the book then watch the movie. Or the opposite. Whatever you like to do! Personally I love to read the book first and then watch the movie and analyze everything. While I may complain at times about how a book was way better than the movie (90% of the time), I still enjoy seeing books brought to life. So here's my top ten books to read and watch the movie then compare the two!
1. I am Legend By: Richard Matheson
So of course I would say that a lot of these are better than the movie, but let me tell you WHY this one is even crazier. The book is pretty different! I don't want to give away spoilers, but let me just say this book isn't just about survival like the movie makes it out to be. While the movie is only entertaining, the book has a lot more to offer and the ending twist is one of my all time favorites. It really makes you think.
2. It/Misery/Carrie/Pet Sematary/The Shining or anything else By: Stephen King
*Angel Erin bows down to the master* All of SK's books/movies are fun to compare. I couldn't pick just one!
3. Harry Potter Series By: J.K. Rowling
Well I'm sure by now that most of us have already read/watched all of this series. However, I'm putting it on the list anyway because it's just so darn fun to compare these books to the movies and overall it's really well done. Even if there is a part or two in the movies that really makes me angry.
4. Lord of the Rings By: J.R.R. Tolkien
This one is a fun one to compare with the movies, but really both are so epic I have a hard time trying to compare them. I may have to re-read and re-watch soon!
5. To Kill A Mockingbird By: Harper Lee
The movie for TKAM is so well done! I love comparing this one. Also, R.I.P. Harper Lee. :'(
6. Romeo and Juliet By: William Shakespeare
Even though Leo makes me all swoony in the newer version of the movie I still try to focus so I can compare this one.
7. Jaws By: Peter Benchley
Duh na duh na duh na....After watching this movie since I was a kid I really thought the book would be crap. It's not! I didn't even know there was a book until a few years back and it's actually worth the read.
8. The Great Gatsby By: F. Scott Fitzgerald
More Leo swooning.
9. Interview with the Vampire By: Anne Rice
I finally read this one a few years back and I had a fun time comparing it with the movie. Now I need to finish the rest of this series sometime. :D
10. The Help By: Kathryn Stockett
Read the book and watch the movie, but don't eat the pie.
Those are just a few of my favorite book to movie comparisons, what are some of yours? Are you as into analyzing them as I am? :P
*NOTE* All of the covers have links to Goodreads. I'm trying to add that every time, unless you see an "Add to Goodreads" button.