February 29, 2016

Me Before You By: Jojo Moyes Review

Me Before You is one of those books that I picked up without really knowing anything about it. All I knew going in is that a lot of people like it, it made them need tissues, and that it's about a man in a wheelchair. Boy, am I glad I decided to read this one! I can't remember the last time a book LITERALLY made me cry! I am also glad that I didn't know that much about the book before I started reading it. So let me praise this book without telling you too much about it. Just go read it!

Top 5 Reasons To Read Me Before You: 

  • It's addictive and a fast read! I couldn't put it down.
  • The writing is spectacular and flows smoothly. It's a tad predictable, but the writing is so well done that it doesn't matter. 
  • The movie is coming out soon! Hurry up and read it before it hits theaters.
  • It's a very moving and emotional book.  
  • Lou is a quirky and hilarious character.

Guys, this is a book that you will start and won't put down till you're done. It's a book that you will take with you everywhere and read (bathtub, toilet, dinner table, the doctor's office, etc.) and then stay up late to finish. This is a book that you will read and as soon as you are done you will want to re-read it immediately. 

Overall I just LOVED Me Before You. This book is now one of my all time favorite books. I am not a crier, so it's a big deal that it made me cry. Which I know that's not for everyone, but I love it when a book is so good that you can really feel the emotions the characters do. I can't wait to see the movie for it. I hope they do a good job with it. 

I recommend Me Before You for people who enjoy touching, emotional, and superbly written books. This book is that fantastic. I wish I had read it sooner!