March 6, 2016

The Wine Tag

I can't  believe it, I haven't done a tag in over a month! I love tags and I really think they are fun to do. Plus I always enjoy seeing what answers everyone else picks as well. So I found this tag over at Book Coma and I just had to do it! Because I love books. No, because I love wine. Okay, because I love both! So here goes- 

Box Wine- A book people will judge you for liking, but you like it anyway. 

I really like the answer Giovannard had on Book Coma, which was reading YA as an adult. I agree with that and for my answer I also have to go with a genre instead of an actual book. Horror. I LOVE horror and it seems like I am always being judged for loving horror novels. Like some people think liking horror (books, movies, and etc.) so much automatically makes me creepy or something. *Eyeroll*

Organic Wine- A book that doesn't have any added crap in it and is just written perfectly.

I was very surprised at just how good We Are The Ants was. So far it's still the biggest surprise of 2016 for me. I expected it to be good, but it was PERFECT. 

Gluehwein- A really spicy, wintery read. 

I don't know if The Shining counts as spicy, but it is a great wintery read. I mean they are all snowed in by a blizzard and creepy stuff is happening. I would love to get snowed in and read this one, but maybe that's just me. :P

Sauvignon Blanc- A really sharp and aggressive read that you couldn't put down. 

I could NOT put Me Before You down and it sure was aggressive at making my tear ducts work. Go read this. PLEAAAAASE. 

Pinot Noir- A book you didn't expect much from, but ended up getting blown away. 

I kept hearing wonderful things about Jennifer L. Armentrout's books, but I was still skeptical when I started Obsidian. I wouldn't have even tried it if I didn't manage to snag a free kindle e-book copy. Thank goodness I did! 

Chardonnay- A good summer read that was super zesty. 

Racing the Sun is such a PERFECT summer read and it was hot, hot, hot! Also, the setting is just absolutely perfect. 

Rose- A book that has a little bit of everything in it. 

Illuminae has a little bit of everything in it and a fun format to go along with it! 

Shiraz- A full-bodied book that is dark and juicy. 

Kiss of  Midnight is definitely dark and juicy! So far I've read the first five books in this series and they are all very, very juicy. 

Merlot- A smooth, easy read with a soft finish.

Eleanor & Park was my first Rainbow Rowell read and I was surprised at how easy it was to read. It's a very cute story and set in the year I was born, 1986!  

Champagne- Your favorite book. 

I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you all. The Picture of Dorian Gray!!!! 

As always I tag anyone that wants to do it! If you do the tag then drop me a link so I can stop by and check out your answers. :o) Do you agree/disagree with any of my answers?