March 7, 2016

Auburn: Lost Causes and Bad Investments (Auburn #2) By: Valerie Thomas Review

A big thank you to the author for providing an ebook copy in exchange for an honest review.

I was so glad to have the chance to read Auburn: Lost Causes and Bad Investments! I really enjoyed the first book in the series, Auburn: Outcasts and Underdogs, when I read it back in December. Here's the link for my review of the first book if you would like to take a look at that one: Auburn:Outcasts and Underdogs Review.

Summary From Goodreads:

My Review:

I have to say I enjoyed Auburn: Lost Causes and Bad Investments even more than the first book in this series. First of all it was incredibly easy to slip back into the story and remember what happened in the first book. I  am always super excited when an author does this well and keeps me interested in what's going on now in the story. Honestly I find that not all authors are good at this and I'm really appreciative when it's done well. Hooray!

I really loved the direction that this book took, especially as far as the band goes. I am so glad that Auburn went on tour and as a band matured a bit in the music business. The tour was really fun and exciting to read about, I love the song lyrics, and I like that Ashley uses her song writing to help her deal with emotional things going on in her life. I enjoy books about music so much (since I love music just as much as I love books!) and this one really hit that spot for me.

As far as the characters go I still loved Ashley in this one and I liked seeing some good character development with her. I think she has more maturing to do and hopefully we will see more of that in the next book. So at the end of the first book I was not liking Charlie so much and that continued in this book for about the first half. After that I was really pleased with how things were going as far as Charlie and Ashley's relationship are concerned. By the end of the book I wasn't annoyed with Charlie anymore and I'm really curious to see where the author will go with him in the next one. Another character I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next with is Aras. I am hoping the next book will have him in it a lot because he is now my second favorite character. Ashley is the first one of course. :)

Overall I am extremely happy with this book and I finished it in a day! I was immediately hooked and before I knew it I was done with the book. I love that this series is about more than music and starting a band. It's also about rooting for the underdogs and growing as a person. This book continues that from the first book and I'm so glad that it does. I can't wait for book three!

I recommend Auburn: Lost Causes and Bad Investments to fans of coming of age stories, rooting for the underdogs, and to music lovers.