Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic for this week is top ten bookish resolutions for 2015, but I'm doing one from the past list instead. I'm doing my top ten most OCD bookish habits.
I decided not to do top ten bookish resolutions because I never make resolutions. I'm a little superstitious about it. I don't want to set myself up to fail or give myself too much stress over it. So no resolutions for me! I chose to do my top ten most OCD bookish habits because it seemed like a fun one to do. I'm curious what some of yours are too!
1.) Ever since I joined Goodreads that has added a whole new level of OCD for me. On Goodreads I have to add what book I'm currently reading right away, I have to organize my shelves often (still a work in progress), I have to rate a book as soon as I'm finished, and I have to update my progress often while reading a book.
2,) I have many bookmarks and I can't use the same one for too long.
3.) I have to ban myself from the library. I own many books and I need to read what I own, but when new releases come out (and I can't afford to buy them) I want to borrow them from the library.
4.) I hate dust covers. I take them off when I read the book because they are annoying.
5.) When I go to pick up my kids from school I like to get there a little early so I can read a few minutes on my book.
6.) Sometimes I like to take my book with me in my purse, even if I know I won't get to read it wherever I'm going. I've noticed that I do this more when I'm nervous or anxious about wherever I'm going.
7.) I'm bad about finishing series sometimes. I've done better the past few years, but I still have lots of series that I have started and haven't finished that I need to. It drives me crazy.
8.) I dislike reading on more than one book at a time. I can, I have, and I will again, but I don't like to do that.
9.) I read in the bathtub. All the time. And no, I've never dropped a book in the tub or gotten one wet.
10.) I don't like reading with the TV on. I can, but I prefer to have on music or no noise at all. However, I have kids so I've learned to read with anything going on. I'm a pro! Ha!
Well that's a few of my OCD bookish habits. Do you do any of these as well? What OCD bookish habits do you have?