November 30, 2015

Every Day By: David Levithan Review

Everyday A wakes up in someone else's body. It's always a different person and someone around A's own age. One day A wakes up in the body of a boy named Justin and he falls for his girlfriend Rhiannon. A has finally found someone he/she wants to be with every day and he/she will break his/her own rules just to have another day with Rhiannon. 

Every Day is unique and thought provoking in many ways, but my favorite thing about this novel is that A is gender-less and sexually fluid. A is neither a he or a she and has inhabited bodies of both sexes and all kinds of sexualities. In the beginning of the novel because A was in Justin's body I found myself referring to A in my head as he, until A talks about having liked a boy (Brennan I think was his name) before. That made me stop and remember that A is not a boy or a girl. What's even better is that we find out later that when A liked Brennan A was in a boy's body. David Levithan does such a great job of showing us how A transcends stereotypical gender roles and sexuality.

Another thing that I loved was that throughout the novel A occupies many different kinds of bodies. Such as someone who is gay, a trans teen, a maid, a home schooled guy, and a depressed girl. I think this book takes the whole "walk a mile in my shoes" saying and makes it a reality. I love seeing all the different kinds of lives that these teens live. Also, I have to give David Levithan major props for how he described depression at one point during the book. It was so spot on and the best way I have ever seen/heard it described.

The only thing that kept me from giving this a 5 star rating was the ending. It wasn't a bad ending, it just seemed abrupt to me. I don't like when a random ending comes out of nowhere. It just didn't seem to fit quite right. I will warn you that we never find out what A is (I have my theories) and the ending has a small (not TOO bad) cliffhanger. Personally I'm glad there wasn't a lot of clear answers at the end. This is one of those reads that I enjoy thinking of my own opinions and seeing what other people came up with.

Overall Every Day is a poignant and quirky novel that really stays with you. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a strong GLBT read and... well I would recommend it to everyone really!