Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic for this week is top ten 2016 debut novels I'm looking forward to.
I'm so excited about this topic because there are a lot of debut books that I'm really looking forward to reading in 2016. Somehow I've narrowed it down to only ten and here is my list!
1. After the Woods By: Kim Savage- I love a good mystery/thriller and just from reading the blurb alone I can't wait to see what will happen.
2. Symptoms of Being Human By: Jeff Garvin- This one looks like a really unique GLBT book. The main character is gender fluid and I'm excited to see more diversity in YA novels.
3. These Vicious Masks By: Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas- Victorian London meets X-Men? I'm in! That cover is so gorgeous too.
4. The May Queen Murders By: Sarah Jude- I want to know what the mystery of those woods are all about! This one looks like another really good mystery/thriller. I hope it has some creepy moments too. I love this cover as well.
5. Bookishly Ever After By: Isabel Bandeira- Yes, yes, yes!! This one must be on all booknerds to read lists! It looks absolutely adorable and fun for us book lovers.
6. The Crown's Game By: Evelyn Skye- I'm really excited about everything in this book. It's a fantasy/magical YA novel set in Russia. I'm in just based off of that alone.
7. Burning Glass By: Kathryn Purdie- What really interests me about this one is the main character's ability to feel (physically and emotionally) what others feel. This concept is fascinating and I can't wait to see how it works.
8. The Girl Who Fell By: Shannon M. Parker- I love books with intense relationships and it sounds like this will definitely be one of those.
9. The Girl From Everywhere By: Heidi Heilig- Time travel to real places AND places of myth and legend? Yes, please!
10. The Love That Split the World By: Emily Henry- I just really want to find out if the girl saves the guy in the three month time period and do they have an epic romance.
Well that is it for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday! Do you want to read any of these books? What other 2016 debut novels would be on your list?