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Why: I always put these together because they are VERY similar. Only Battle Royale is an adult novel instead of YA and it has way more violence. Battle Royale was written before The Hunger Games and I always feel like it gets overlooked. I like to tell everyone Battle Royale is The Hunger Games on steroids. So if you would like a bloodier and more intense Hunger Games than this is definitely the book for you.
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Why: Both of these novels are a little bit post apocalyptic and they both do something different with vampires. Scary vampires, no emo vampires here. I recommend this for anyone looking for a fresh take on horror vampires.
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Why: Both of these are sci-fi, dystopian, space, and YA novels. So of course there are going to be some pretty basic similarities. While both are enjoyable reads I think Glow has the better story, but Illuminae is a more flavorful read. It's pretty cool with the way it's set up. Illuminae is written in the form of documents such as : emails, IMs, interviews, medical reports, military files, and etc. I recommend both!
That's it for this month's If You Like...Then You May Like...Part 2! I did decide to do this feature once a month so I will be doing another one in November. Woo hoo!!! I hope everyone is having a good Friday and I hope you all have a great weekend!! :D