November 28, 2016

Music Monday- The Weeknd (Explicit Language)

Music Monday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Always Me. The idea behind it is to share one or two songs that you have been enjoying lately. 

This week I am sharing a few songs by The Weeknd. I am thrilled that The Weeknd has a new album (Starboy) that just came out. The last album (Beauty Behind the Madness) is one of my all time favorite albums. So hooray for new music! I could probably listen to him sing anything, his voice is that sexy, but here's just a couple of my favorites! Also, stop reading now if you want to avoid explicit lyrics. 

1. Often 

This may be my favorite song by The Weeknd. WAIT! No, I take that back. Please don't make me pick just one. This one is DEFINITELY one of the top ten songs that are all tied for number one. I just love the sound of this song and those lyrics... oh my. I'll just leave this here and make of it what you will. :D


She asked me if I do this every day, I said often
Asked how many times she rode the wave, not so often
Bitches down to do it either way, often
Baby I can make that pussy rain, often
Often, often, girl I do this often 

2. False Alarm

This one is a little bit different to me because the sound is less sexy and more upbeat. The lyrics are fantastic and deep, but the sound is fun and I like that mix. I'm just thinking The Weeknd can do no wrong. 


She loves everybody
Can't you tell by the signs? 
She loves everybody
She gets off all the time
It's a dark philosophy
And it haunts her constantly 
It's a false alarm to me 
She's a false alarm 

That's it for this Music Monday! Anyone else LOVE The Weeknd and/or find his voice so sexy? What music have you been listening to lately? Also, I hope everyone that celebrates had a great Thanksgiving!