Short Review Summary:
A few problems, but addictive and enjoyable.
The Leaving is an addictive story from page one. I couldn't stop reading this book and it's a very easy read. I had to binge this one so I could find out what happened to the six kids! When I first started reading the book I stayed up later than I should have reading. I had to LITERALLY force myself to set it down so I could sleep and finish it the next day. I was extremely tired the next day, but I just love stories that grab you like that.
There really is only one thing that bothered me a lot and kept this from being a five star book. I could have done without the damn love triangle crap!!! There really was too much about who has a crush on who or whatever. I was screaming in my head, "I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE THEY WERE FOR 11 YEARS AND WHERE'S MAX?" I think there should have been NO romantic plot lines at all. I wouldn't say it's a major part of the book, but even what there was is unnecessary.
Also, the twist (what really happened to the kids) is just a bit far fetched in my opinion. I liked what it was, but at the same time it wasn't very realistic. I really love the story and ending so this is something that I chose to suspend my disbelief for. The twist also wasn't as shocking as I was expecting either. I'll chalk that up to book hype though. I didn't connect to any characters either, but that didn't matter. I did really love which characters we got to read POVs from though.
Overall The Leaving has few issues, but I really enjoyed it anyway. It's certainly not a perfect book, but it's addictive and entertaining. This is a book that once you start, you can't put it down! You just have to keep reading to find out the answers. I can look past a few problems because this is one that I will remember for a long time and think about often.
I recommend The Leaving for fans of the Persons Unknown TV show. Anyone remember that one? I'm still mad I didn't get answers to my questions in that show! LOL.