April 26, 2017

Never Let You Go By: Chevy Stevens Review

I won a free copy of Never Let You Go By: Chevy Stevens on Goodreads. Thanks to the publisher St. Martin's Press!

I've been wanting to read a Chevy Stevens book so I was really excited to win a copy of Never Let You Go! Especially since I've been in a mystery/thriller mood for quite some time now.  I will say since I've read so many books in that genre the past year or so that I'm starting to get pretty picky about them. With that being said, this one did not disappoint! 

First off, most importantly for me with a mystery/thriller, there is a great twist!! Hallelujah! I did guess a tiny bit of the twist, but not all of it. Also, the big part of the twist that I didn't guess is really great and very unexpected. That's always a win for me anytime I can be surprised. 

I also really enjoyed the writing style. It flows really well, which is just what I needed right now since I've been busy and reading so slowly. I ended up reading about 75% of Never Let You Go in one day though since I enjoyed it so much. As for the characters, Lindsey and her daughter both kind of got on my nerves a little bit for being so oblivious. Other than that, I did like them and I did feel for them. I also enjoyed their mother/daughter relationship, even though it was far from perfect. 

Overall Never Let You Go was a win for me! The writing flows well, the plot is on point, and the twist definitely worked for me. I would love to read another Chevy Stevens book sometime. 

I highly recommend Never Let You Go to all mystery/thriller fans. 