December 27, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Books Released In 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. This week's topic is Top Ten Books Released in 2016.

 I read SO MANY great books in 2016!! Out of the 140 books I read this year (so far, there's a little time left!) I only DNF'd 9 books. That's pretty good I think. I found some books I didn't like, some books that were meh, and a lot of good ones too. I tried a bunch of authors I've been meaning to get to, I completed my insane genre challenge, and I found a lot of new authors to love. It's been a great reading year and here are my Top Ten Books Released in 2016! 

*Click on covers to view on Goodreads* 

Released in January: 

Released in February: 

Released in April: 

(I almost forgot to add The Raven King! Eep, I had to go back and add it lol) 

Released in May:

Released in June: 

Released in July: 

Released in August: 

Released in September: 

That's it for my Top Ten (okay maybe a few more lol) Books Released in 2016!! All of these have definitely become new favorites for me. I highly recommend all of them. :D What are the best books you read released in 2016?