October 12, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday- Venom & Vanilla By: Shannon Mayer

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Breaking the Spine. The idea behind it is to share upcoming releases that we can't wait to get our hands on!

My pick for this week is Venom & Vanilla By: Shannon Mayer. I was just browsing Goodreads the other day and I came across this one. I don't think I've heard of this author before, but the title and cover caught my eye. Once I read the blurb I knew I would have to read this one. I just love stories where the MC goes from a regular human to something supernatural and has to adjust. This definitely sounds like a winner to me! 

Expected Publication Date: November 1, 2016

 Does Venom & Vanilla sound good to you as well? Do you also like stories where the MC goes from human to something supernatural? Have you read anything by Shannon Mayer before? I sure do love this cover and I can't wait to read it! What are you waiting on this Wednesday?