October 12, 2016

The Daemoniac By: Kat Ross Release Day Review

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ebook copy of The Daemoniac By: Kat Ross in exchange for an honest review. 

Short Review Summary:
Meh, but I'm the odd man out on this one. 

The Daemoniac started off interesting, but then it lost me about a quarter of the way in. At first I wasn't sure if I couldn't focus or if the book was boring. Since I then stopped and read two more books quickly, I figured out that it was the book. I got to thinking and I finally realized that I've read something somewhat similar to this recently. Stalking Jack the Ripper and this one have a few similarities, but Stalking Jack the Ripper is way better. If it wasn't for the fact that I just read that perhaps The Daemoniac would have been a little better for me. 

Another issue that I had with The Daemoniac is the lack of character connection. That was majorly missing for me and it's a shame because I really wanted to like Harry! I don't feel like I got to know her well enough. I really wanted the writing to be...richer. That's the only word I can think of right now to describe it because the writing is a bit flat. I did like some of the story line though and I love the classic detective/Sherlock feel mixed with Jack the Ripper. I wanted to find out all the answers to the mystery and that's the only thing that kept me reading. 

Overall The Daemoniac is an okay novel, but it's not great. I had a hard time with this one, but it wasn't absolutely horrible either. At first I couldn't decided whether to give this book 2 or 3 stars. I finally had to go with 2 stars because I ended up feeling too meh about the book as a whole. Honestly, this novel is pretty middle of the road for me and I have zero desire to continue with the series. 

I can't personally recommend The Daemoniac. However, other than my own review I've only seen super positive reviews for it. So if you're a fan of classic detective books and this sounds good to you then give it a try! 