July 8, 2016

Watching Edie By: Camilla Way ARC Review

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for providing an ebook copy of Watching Edie in exchange for an honest review. 

So if you have been following this blog for a bit then you know I have been extremely in the mood for thrillers as of late. I was looking forward to reading Watching Edie from the second I saw it and I was ecstatic to have been approved on NetGalley. However, I'm sad to say that this one was not for me. 

If I'm being completely honest Watching Edie was an okay book. This is one of those books that's not bad, but it's not great either. I can't think of anything this book had that felt different, unique, or suspenseful. I didn't feel connected to any of the characters either, which is fine, but I wanted to connect to Edie. I wanted to connect to her so I could feel worried for her and have some suspense in the novel. That just didn't happen though. I didn't like anyone or care what happened to anyone.

I did give this novel two stars because one thing I DID like was how the past is told from Heather's POV and the present is told from Edie's POV. That may be the only thing I really did like about Watching Edie. This was a pretty lackluster read and it just missed the mark for me. By the end I was pretty bored unfortunately. 

Overall I just wasn't that impressed with Watching Edie. It was fine, but not spectacular. It was missing something different to make it stand out. Also, it missed out on what could have been some bone chilling moments. I wanted a psychological thriller, but there weren't any thrills! 

I can't personally recommend Watching Edie, however I think that there are a lot of thriller fans that may enjoy this one. If it sounds good then go ahead and try it yourself! 