June 27, 2016

Music Monday-Songs I Heard In TV Shows (There is Explicit lyrics)

Music Monday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at Always Me. The idea behind it is to share one or two songs that you have been enjoying lately. 

This week I decided to share two songs that I came across while watching TV recently! I love finding new music everywhere and thanks to the Shazam app I can find out what song is playing. Does anyone else use that app? I love it! I use it all the time. Sometimes I use it just to shazam something I want to remember to add to a playlist later. It's very useful. Well here are the songs! 

1. Motherfucker Got Fucked Up By: Folk Uke

I heard this song on Orange is the New Black at the end of the first episode of Season 4. My husband and I sat here and died laughing. Especially because it fit with the episode so well. Not only was this season of OITNB great, but the music selections for the end of the episodes were pretty great as well. 


Motherfucker got fucked up 'cause he got in the way
Not a lot of things to say,
Motherfucker got in the way

2. In the Air Tonight (Cover) Extended Remix By: Joseph William Morgan Ft. Shadow Royale 

This song I heard on America's Got Talent. This is the first season that I've watched. I couldn't resist when Simon Cowell came on the show. Anyway, this song came on during one of the acts (can't remember which one) and I really liked the cover!


And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord
I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord

That's it for this Music Monday! What do you think of these songs? What songs have you found thanks to TV shows or movies? What music have you been enjoying lately?