April 9, 2016

A Darker Shade of Sorcery By: William Collins Review

Summary From Goodreads: 


Thank you to the author for providing a free ebook copy in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my opinions on the novel.

I had a hard time at first getting into A Darker Shade of Sorcery. At first I wasn't feeling any connection to the story or the characters. There was a lot going on and it was a little all over the place. For me it was just a matter of too much going on too soon. Luckily once I got a few chapters or so in it started to get into a good rhythm and the book got much better from there. Once it started flowing better I was able to get that connection to the story and the characters. After that the book really started to kick butt!

I really like how there are all kinds of shifters and demons in A Darker Shade of Sorcery. There are a lot of really cool and unique ones and even some that I had never read about before! That really caught me by surprise. While I liked Evan and Brooke a lot, I was most fascinated by Arantay and what he is. I thought his...condition (read the book and see what his condition is!) was different and very well done. Also, I have to say that the part where Evan and Jed pretended to be gay had me DYING with laughter. I am glad there was that touch of humor here and there in the book. I really enjoyed the darker aspects of the book and the bit of romance as well. 

Overall A Darker Shade of Sorcery was pretty darn good! I think there needed to be a little bit more time spent in the beginning on the world building. There were a few other minor issues as well, such as formatting. However, that wasn't anything too bad and had nothing to do with the quality of the story. This was a VERY entertaining book and well worth the read. Once I got a few chapters in the book just flew by. I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

I recommend A Darker Shade of Sorcery for dark fantasy lovers and for anyone interested in a story that is reminiscent of Harry Potter, but darker, and with Demon Hunting!