January 7, 2016

50 Facts About Me Tag!

I was tagged a little while back for this tag by Hannah over at (formerly The Donkey Invasion) One World, Too Many Pages. I am so slow at getting this out and I'm sorry, but here it is! This is such a fun tag to do. As always, everyone is welcome to do the tag. Feel free to drop me a link if you do the tag so I can check out your facts too.

1. I am a huge horror fan.
2. My favorite horror movie is Nightmare on Elm Street.
3. Nightmare on Elm Street is my favorite horror movie despite the fact that a family member let me watch it at 3 years old.
4. Which gave me the same Freddy Krueger nightmare that I've had off and on for all my life. It's not scary anymore though.
5. I am really into music. I can't sing or play anything, but I love to listen to lots of different artists.
6. I would love to be a published author.
7. I'm really interested in psychiatry.
8. I despise math.
9. I would love to travel. So far I've only been to a few other states here in the USA, but I would love to go to other states and to different countries.
10. I have an addiction to chips.
11. I love coffee AND tea.
12. I  credit R.L. Stine and Stephen King for getting me into reading.
13. My all time favorite TV show is Full House.
14. I can never pick an all time favorite movie or music artist.
15. My all time favorite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray.
16. My favorite colors are pink and black.
17. I dislike brown and yellow.
18. My favorite candy is Reese's peanut butter cups.
19. My eyes used to be hazel, but now they are pretty much just green.
20. I have 3 kids.
21. 4 if you include my husband.
22. 7 if you include my dogs.
23. I love penguins.
24. I have a black thumb. Don't ever let me near any plants you want to keep alive.
25. My favorite alcoholic drink is Barefoot Pink Moscato.
26. I love cheese.
27. I love fondue.
28. I have two sides to my personality: shy and crazy. There's no in between.
29. I'm an introvert.
30. I used to think I was an extrovert.
31. Truly, I'm an introvert. Even though I can be social when I want.
32. I'm an INFJ.
33. I hate tomatoes.
34. And onions.
35. And mushrooms.
36. I'm really interested in the Victorian Era.
37. I am not religious at all.
38. I've been married for 9 1/2 years.
39. I wish I spoke another language.
40. I've tried to learn Spanish.
41. I like photography a lot, but I don't know much about it.
42. Same with fashion.
43. And art.
44. I've tried to learn the guitar, but my fingers can't do bar cords!
45. I'm right handed.
46. My hair is brown, but I'm thinking of going back to black soon.
47. I love to cook and especially bake.
48. But only when I'm in the mood and if I'm making something fun and fattening.
49. I like to sleep. A lot. I will be in the worst mood if I don't get enough sleep.
50. An angry me is a me you never want to see. Scary.

That's it for 50 Facts About Me! What are some fun facts about you?