December 10, 2015

The Nightmare Before Christmas Book Tag!

I was tagged by Carrie from The Book Goddess and that's also where it was originally created. I love The Nightmare Before Christmas so I've been really excited about doing this tag. First, I have a quick question- Do you think of The Nightmare Before Christmas as a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie?

Just curious!

Now on to the tag. :)

1. Sally- A book with a character who loves someone so much and actually gets them in the end.

Cress + Thorne = Ship. I am so happy how this turned out.

2. Jack- A book with a character who longs for more.

Elias. He definitively fits the bill for this one.

3. Zero- A book with a loyal sidekick. 

I have to agree with Carrie's pick on her list and go with Ron & Hermione. It doesn't get more loyal than those two. 

4. Oogie Boogie- A book with one hell of a wicked villain. 

Hannibal Lecter is one scary villain, for real. He's one of the best villain's ever created. 

5. Halloween Town- A book that's creepy or has a scary theme.  

Handling the Undead. It was almost as good as Let The Right One In. It had less action than I had expected, but it was a very unique zombie book and well worth the read! 

6. Christmas Town- A book that left you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. 

Every single Colleen Hoover book that I have read. Her books just give me the feels and always leave me with the warm fuzzies.

7. What's This?- A book that took you by surprise. 

I seriously did not expect this book to be as good as it was. I was very happily surprised!