November 11, 2015

Clockwork Prince By: Cassandra Clare Review

I can't say enough how much I LOVED reading Clockwork Prince. This book was just completely amazing for me. I don't know how, but I enjoyed it even more than Clockwork Angel. Which is really saying something, since I gave the first book in the series 5 stars as well! I would give this book even more stars if I could go higher than 5.

I have enjoyed all of Cassandra Clare's novels that I have read so far. She has fantastic world building, unique ideas, and her books give me all the feels. However, I do think her writing has improved with this series. I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE The Mortal Instruments series (especially the first three), but so far the writing in The Infernal Devices series is even better. I can really tell how much Cassandra Clare's writing has matured. 

Clockwork Prince has a really fantastic story too and I think this one is a little bit easier to get into at first than Clockwork Angel. It took me a little bit to get into Clockwork Angel, just because I was trying to insert the Shadowhunters world into Victorian London and really get a feel for the setting. This one I didn't have to worry about that.

So how about that love triangle?

I am so tired of love triangles, especially in YA, but let me say I am obsessed with this one. It took me up until the middle of this book to finally pick a ship (C'mon that's important too, right??), and I finally did. However, I also really ship the love triangle itself because it is that well done in this book. I am 100% fully invested in this love triangle and for once I'm enjoying it. 

Overall I loved every single thing about this book and I really can't wait to finish the third book, Clockwork Princess. I'm reading that one now and sadly I haven't had much time to read, but I'm DYING to finish it. 

I recommend Clockwork Prince for fans of fantasy/paranormal/steampunk YA, awesomeness, and for anyone with a soul who wants to feel those feels!