October 31, 2015

Grim Reaper

Here's a little something for Halloween night. I wrote this poem years ago. It was featured in the poetry section in an issue of Horrotica, an online magazine, for a little while. I have no idea if it's still on there or even if the website is active still. Anyway, with November almost here I am getting ready for Nanowrimo! I'll be working on a book of short horror stories. I will still try to be active here though. I hope everyone is having a safe and happy Halloween!!

Grim Reaper

I invited Death to my doorstep
I looked him in his empty eye sockets
And I said, "Take me"
I was not afraid of this skeleton and his scythe
This was my angel of death
The one who could save me
Death would not accept me
He called me foolish
Told me never to call him again
I was banished back instead
To a world
I find far worse than Hell. 



  1. Ooo! How spooky. ;) I love this, Erin. It's creepy in the best way. I think that there are a lot of people who would be able to relate to this as well.

    That's so cool that it was featured in an online magazine! A belated congrats. :) Happy Halloween to you!

    1. Thank you Eve!

      It was a few years back I'm not even sure if the e-zine is still running, but it felt really great at the time. I am still proud of that even though I've never had anything else printed lol!!

      Happy Halloween!!! :D


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