September 20, 2015

Library Sale BOOK HAUL!

Twice a year my local libraries do a big BOOK SALE! I always look forward to these because they have so many good books for cheap. I even mark on my calendar as soon as I have the date so I don't miss it. They also do a few special deals during the sale where you can get even more books for very little money. While I was there they ran a deal on hardbacks 3 for $1! Which is great because most of the ones I got are hardbacks. So here is my amazing library book sale book haul. What was the total cost? $13.36! If you are looking for some good cheap deals on books then be sure to check and see if your local library has any upcoming book sales. :D

I've been wanting to read Sea of Shadows. I love Kelley Armstrong's books! I also had to get the DVD Clue. It's such a good movie.

Score! Casual Vacancy and The Cuckoo's Calling! The bottom one is a collection of four Charles Dickens novels.

I've never heard of this Charming one before, but it sounds really unique and interesting.

So that's my library sale book haul! Yey books!!! I've read a few of these already, but most of them I haven't read before. If you've read any of these then please let me know what you thought. I have no idea which books to put near the top of my very long TBR list.  :P
