September 18, 2015

If You Like...Then You May Like...

I'm going to make this very quick and easy! Here are a few books that I found had some things in common that I would like to recommend. TGIF and Happy Reading! :D 

If you like:

Then you may like:

Why: Remember Mia is a mystery/thriller novel with a psychological twist just like Gone Girl. In remember Mia a woman named Estelle wakes up in the hospital to find her baby missing and she doesn't REMEMBER what happened!!! A must read if you are looking for another story to keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through the book. 

If you like: 

 Then you may like:

Why: Both are realistic fiction YA novels that are coming of age tales that also deal with some serious issues. Also, the writing style in these books are very similar to each other. A lot of you may have read I'll Give You The Sun already, but if not then you may want to give it a shot. 

If you like:

 Then you may like:

Why: Both books are the first in an urban fantasy series and both have a male main character that is just KICK ASS. Harry in Storm Front  is a wizard and Issac in Libriomancer is a Libromancer (gifted with magical ablility to reach into books and take out objects) and both heroes are full of faults that lead to some great humor. 

I'm thinking of making this a once a month feature. So let me know if you would like to see more recommendations done this way... or if you DON'T! :)
