May 2, 2018

Between Earth and Sky By: Amanda Skenandore Review

Thank you to TLC Book Tours for providing a free copy of Between Earth and Sky By: Amanda Skenandore in exchange for an honest review. 

Between Earth and Sky is one of those books that make me so glad I started a blog and bookstagram. (Even though I can't keep up with it all very well at the moment haha.) If it wasn't for that then I may not have ever heard of this book. Between Earth and Sky is not a book that I would typically pick up on my own, but I am so thrilled that I got a chance to read it. 

This is a well written, moving, beautiful, and tragic story based on historical facts. The setting is wonderfully vivid and I love how easily I could picture everything. I loved the characters as well, especially Alma and Asku. The book goes back and forth between 1906 and back in time to the 1880s when Alma was a child. I love how it was seamlessly written and you can really see Alma's growth and journey. I also enjoyed how there are a few small surprises in the book. Not twists exactly, but there are a couple of plot points that I really expected to go one way and instead they went another. I ADORE that in any book. 

I believe this is Amanda's debut book and it's practically flawless. I look forward to reading more from her! Overall I highly recommend Between Earth and Sky to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. 

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