March 29, 2018

Blood Will Tell (Joplin/Halloran Mystery Book 2) By: P.L. Doss Review

Thank you to Ryder Author Resources for providing a free ebook copy of Blood Will Tell By: P.L. Doss in exchange for an honest review. 

Blood Will Tell is the second book in the Joplin/Halloran Mystery series, but I didn't read book one. I don't think you have to read the first book in order to keep up and enjoy this one. However, there were some things in the beginning that were mentioned a lot that made me very intrigued about book one! 

This book was a little slow paced for me at first. I kept reading because I wanted to know more about the characters. Halloran I found particularly interesting and the pace did pick up. Once it did, the rest of the book just flew by. There are so many twists and turns and they all led to an unpredictable ending.  Woo hoo! That is my favorite!! 

My only issue is that for the first quarter or so of the book I could not keep track of which character's point of view I was reading from. I wish the transitions between the point of views had been smoother. It would take me a little bit to figure out that the perspective had changed. 

Overall, I enjoyed Blood Will Tell and as I'm sure you all know an ending that I don't see coming is always something I love! I recommend this one for sure. If you can deal with a couple of minor issues in the beginning, it's well worth the read!