February 27, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday- Top FIFTEEN Books I Could Re-Read Forever

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl.  The topic this week is Top Ten Books I Could Re-Read Forever. 

I love to re-read books, but let's face it with so many new ones to read it's hard to find the time. I'm going to seperate my list into books that I've re-read (and will continue to re-read) and books that I haven't re-read yet, but I need to! 

Books That I Have Re-read and Want To Re-read Again: 

1. The Picture of Dorian Gray
2. Milk & Honey
3. The Giver
4. Flowers For Algernon
5. The Harry Potter Series 
6. To Kill A Mockingbird
7. Anthem
8. Lord of the Flies
9. Jane Eyre

Books That I Have Read Once and Want To Re-read Again: 

10. The Raven Cycle Series
11. You 
12. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series 
13. The Infernal Devices 
14. Wuthering Heights 
15. The Locke & Key Series 

Also, The Picture of Dorian Gray is the books that I've re-read the most. I'm sure most of you know that it's my favorite book. I try to read it again every year! Do you have a book that you like to re-read every year?

That's it for my Top FIFTEEN Books I Could Re-Read Forever! Are any of these on your list as well? What books could you re-read forever?