Um, is September really over already? This year seems to be going by super fast, I'm not ready for the holidays yet! This week was pretty decent for me. There was nothing bad that happened. Woot! I've just been very tired. On Wednesday my plans got cancelled so once my kids were at school I literally slept the whole day until I had to pick them up. That was fantastic because I never get enough sleep. That's just a mom's life for you though. Other than that, my week was seriously dull. These updates have really made me realize how unexciting I am. :P
Reading: The Bazaar of Bad Dreams By: Stephen King and A Life in Parts By: Bryan Cranston.
Watching: I haven't been watching Castle really this week. I took a break with all of the season premieres, but I can't wait to get back to the show soon. This week I watched a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I watched the pilot for Designated Survivor (loved it), the pilot for The Exorcist show (hated it), Big Bang Theory is back, The Voice is back, and Project Runway is back. Ah, there's just so many shows. I can't keep up! Another thing I watched recently was the Lifetime movie, Girl in the Box, which is based on a true story and it was pretty darn good.
Listening To: Come On By: White Lies. Hooray they have a new song!! I love it!
AngelErin's A+ Cover of the Week:
AngelErin's Book Pick of the Week: My review is coming soon!
For my recommendations this week I decided to recommend some more fabulous book bloggers!! You have no idea how hard it is for me to narrow these down. I'll definitely be highlighting more amazing book bloggers in the future.
Du Livre- Not only does Amber write wonderful reviews, but her blog is SUPER CUTE and I adore the French flair.
Metaphors and Moonlight - Are you looking to find an intelligent book discussion? Kristen has the best ideas for discussion posts and you just have to check them out for yourself.
Booker T's Farm - Books And Nails And Puppy Dog Tales- Barb is one of the few fellow bloggers that I see posting about horror novels and she always finds creepy books I haven't heard of yet! She also posts reviews for other genres and she is a dog lover.
Star-Crossed Book Blog - This blog is run by multiple ladies and I love how enthusiastic and honest all of the reviews are. Everything is full of so much personality!
Miranda's Book Blog- Have you seen Miranda's All About That Cover feature? If not, then you need to! I really love seeing which covers she picks and it's always fun trying to decide which covers I like best.
Well that's it for this week! Nothing horrible happened, so I count that as a win! :) How was your week everyone? This year is going by too fast and I'm not ready for the Holiday Season yet, what about you? I love Halloween, but I feel like I'm not even prepared for that one. LOL!