Have you ever read a book and then DIDN'T want to review that book? As a book blogger, I feel like that's kind of our job...to REVIEW. Yeah we do fun features and whatever else, but at the end of the day it's mostly about the reviews, right? So what happens when you don't want to review a book you just read?
Do you review it anyway? Do a mini review? Wait a while and hope something to say comes to you later? Skip doing a review because you don't want to? What if you do the review and it's not the same quality as your other reviews? For me personally, I do the review anyway. I posted a review for a book last week (nope, not saying which book) that I didn't want to write a review for. I read it, enjoyed it, but I didn't feel like I really had a lot to say about it. I went ahead and reviewed it anyway because I felt like I should.
So this got me thinking, maybe I shouldn't have. It was not a book that I won in a giveaway or received for review from a publisher or author. So technically I wasn't obligated to post a review, but I felt like I had to say SOMETHING about it. When this happens I really don't know if it's better to skip writing a review or post at least a mini review for it.
What do you think? Have you ever wanted to NOT write a review? Did you/would you write the review anyway? Do you think if you force a review that the quality of that review won't be as good as your other reviews? Share your opinions please! :D