May 26, 2016

Six of Crows By: Leigh Bardugo Review

Six of Crows was a little slow starting for me, but then once it picked up it kept my interest throughout. Thank goodness because I was worried in the beginning. There's been so much hype for this one and while I REALLY enjoyed it, I didn't LOVE it like most. I sure am glad that I read the Grisha Trilogy before I read this one though or else I would have been lost. Six of Crows is set in the grishaverse, but it's a separate story from the Grisha Trilogy. Well to be honest, this kind of irritates me. What if I hadn't been told it's best to read the Grisha books first? Anyway, good thing I did or I wouldn't have finished this one.

I loved all of the characters!! The characters are definitely what made the book great for me. I love books with a great group of characters. Kaz is my favorite character, but I also really liked Inez, Nina, and Matthias. Those that have been following my blog for a while may know that I am a sucker for characters like Kaz. So it's not a surprise that he's my favorite. Kaz has a really good backstory, even though it's incredibly sad.  His character's personality and motivations are really intriguing to me. I am very drawn to complex characters like Kaz. It's also pretty hilarious that he is always one step ahead of everyone. Just when you think he's screwed, he has a trick up his sleeve!

As for the story, it was very well written. However, like I mentioned I am glad I read the Grisha series first.  I thought because these were two separate series that it wouldn't matter, but it does. It would have been so much harder to get into this one had I not read the others first. I just hate that because if I hadn't known I would have started this one first and given up in the beginning since it starts off slow anyway. I struggled enough trying to figure out what's what. I can't imagine then also trying to figure out about the Grisha as well.  I won't say you HAVE to read the Grisha series first, but I HIGHLY recommend it. 

Overall Six of Crows was enjoyable, but not perfect for me. Minus the slow start the book has all of the right ingredients for a great story. It has fantastic writing, a great cast of entertaining characters that you care for, a heist, lots of action, and a touch of romance. I can't wait for the next book. I feel like that one will be even better than this one was. I WANT MOREEEEE!! 

I recommend Six of Crows to those who have read and enjoyed the Grisha Trilogy.

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