February 6, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday- Top Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR FOREVER And I STILL Haven't Read!!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at That Artsy Reader Girl. The topic for this week is Top Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR Forever And I Still Haven't Read. 

Well I have so many books for this list. However, I did manage to narrow it down to only ten. I picked books that I've owned for the longest time that I've been DYING to read and I still haven't. 

That's it for my Top Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR FOREVER And I Still Haven't Read. Honestly, the Stephen King ones are the books I'm the most sad/surprised that I haven't gotten to yet. Really all of the Stephen King books I haven't read yet should be on this list!

Have you read any of these books? What books have been on your TBR forever that you still haven't read?