Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a free ebook copy of Providence By: Caroline Kepnes in exchange for an honest review.
I was really excited to try a new book from Caroline Kepnes. You is one of my favorite books and I was glad that Providence sounded a bit different. However, this did not meet my expectations at all. It started off SO STRONG, but about 25% in it really lost my interest. I could start to see where things were going and I didn't mind that so much, but holy cow everything just draggggggggged. The last 75% was so dull and I probably should have DNF'd. I did like Jon's character and his chapters, but Eggie's chapters were such a slog to get through. Also, all of the time jumps in the book drove me bananas. They did not flow well enough for my taste. Honestly, this book had so much promise. It started off very intriguing, but then it went way downhill and did not keep my interest. Which really makes me sad because I feel like this should have been one that I really enjoyed. I tried.