January 2, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday- Top FIVE New To Me Authors I Read In 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature/meme hosted here at The Broke and the Bookish. The topic this week is Top Ten New To Me Authors I Read In 2017! I didn't read very many new authors this year that I just LOVED so I made this a top five list instead. 

1. Ruth Ware - I read The Woman In Cabin 10 early on in the year and I just LOVED it. I bought her other two books The Lying Game and In a Dark, Dark Wood later in the year and I read those back to back. I enjoyed both of them as well, but The Woman In Cabin 10 is definitely my favorite of the three. I can't wait for her to come out with more books. She is going to be an auto-buy author for me. 

2. Sarah Pinborough - So... my bestie had been telling me for a long time that I just HAD to read Behind Her Eyes. I put it off for a while because I wasn't that intrigued to be honest. Well I wish I had read it sooner!! I think this was my favorite read of the year. I also read 13 Minutes by her and I enjoyed it as well, but the twist in Behind Her Eyes just completely blew my mind.

3. Grady Hendrix- I was absolutely enamored with My Best Friend's Exorcism. I need to try to buy and read Horrorstor by him this year! I can't wait to see what I think of that one. I hope I will like it just as much.

4. Ania Ahlborn - The Devil Crept In was SO GOOD!! I know she has a few more books and I would love to give at least one other of hers a try this year as well. 

5. B.A. Paris - I was hesitant to add B.A. Paris on here to be honest. Behind Closed Doors was one of my favorite reads in 2017. However, I also read The Breakdown and it was more like The Letdown. I gave that one only two stars, but I know the next book she comes out with I would for sure give it a shot at least. 

That's it for my Top FIVE New To Me Authors I Read In 2017! I am very happy that I tried these authors this year and I look forward to reading more of their books in the future.

Have you read any of these authors? If so, what did you think? Who were your top new to you authors that you read this year?