December 28, 2017

Top Ten Books I Read In 2017 & Plans (Sort Of) For 2018!

I know it's been so long since I have been here on my blog. Let me see if I can remember how to do everything. (Seriously. It took me ten minutes to remember how to add a link on here. LOL!)

As most of you know this has been a crazy year for me. A lot of bad, a lot of good as well, but mostly my entire life has changed completely. That can be tough to deal with and therefore I know I haven't been keeping up with blogging, my Bookstagram, or even reading that much really. But enough about all of that!

Anyway, I have managed to read a decent amount of books this year somehow and I wanted to share with you my top ten books I read in 2017!!

In no particular order, here they are! 

I also wanted to share my biggest disappointment of 2017. This is not my lowest rated book of the year, but one that I really expected to love and I was extremely let down.

Sleeping Beauties

To be honest I don't think Sleeping Beauties is a BAD book. The issue I had is that there is too much social commentary in the book and not enough entertainment. I'm all for books having something important to say, but for me at the end of the day a book needs to entertain me. Particularly if it's a fictional novel.

As for 2018 my plan for the year is to not have a plan! Okay, sort of. I have a few things I want to do in 2018. I would like to get back to my blog more, I would like to do more mini reviews so I don't stress too much, I would like to make more of an effort to be consistent with my bookstagram again, and I would like to read more of the books I own and books that I have borrowed from people. I have also considered revamping my blog a bit and changing some things. I have no clue what 2018 will bring, but I'll do the best I can to meet any goals I set for myself!

So, how was your 2017?!?!

 What are some of the best/worst books you read? Biggest disappointments?

Also, for 2018 what are your plans/goals/challenges/etc?