December 12, 2016

End of the Year Insane Genre Challenge Update: LAST ONE!! :D

So I know that I haven't done a genre challenge update since early October. OOPS. However, I have been hard at work trying to complete the challenge. I was feeling overwhelmed with trying to finish, but I'm thrilled because I will be finishing tonight! 

This challenge has been pretty difficult at times, but I loved it. I'm glad I pushed myself to read some genres that aren't my go to genres. I'm pretty open as far as genres go, but I do get stuck in the same ones sometimes. So tonight I'm finishing my last book, no matter what, and then I will be done. WOOT WOOT! 

Next year I'm hoping to take it a bit easier and not do a challenge like this. My goal next year will be to get back to blogging again regularly and to work on my writing regularly. Speaking of, if you're interested in poetry I started a new DeviantArt account and I posted a few of my poems there.  Here's the link: AngelErin30

I wish anyone else who's doing this challenge the best of luck completing before the year is over!  Here's the complete list of books I read: 

Adventure- The Hobbit
Autobiography-How to Make Love Like a Porn Star
Chick- LIt- PS I Love You
Children's- Sword of Summer
Classics- Of Mice and Men
Contemporary- One True Loves
Steampunk- The Aeronaut's Windlass
Dystopian- Reached
Epic- A Wizard of Earthsea
Erotica- Bared to You
Espionage- Heist Society
Fantasy- The Crown's Game
Graphic Novel- The Doll's House
Gothic-The Birds and other stories
Historical- Code Name Verity
Horror- Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Humor- You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
Literary- Little Paris Bookshop
Magical Realism- The Night Circus
Mystery- Sanctuary Bay
Non-Fiction- Bossypants
Paranormal- Onyx
Philosophical- Anthem (Finishing tonight)
Poetry- The collected poetry (sylvia plath) 
Pulp- Strangers on a Train
Romance- Me Before You
Sci-Fi- City of Mirrors
Educational- Stiff
Short Stories- The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Thriller- You
Travel- Into Thin Air
True Crime- Stranger Beside Me
Urban Fantasy- Iced
Victorian- The Picture of Dorian Gray
Western- The Gunslinger
YA- Looking for Alaska 

That's 36 genres total and on top of all my other reading for the year it's been a lot! I think I'll pass on challenges for 2017, but I'm curious what challenge(s) are you doing next year?