Hey all!! I'm still here! I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. I know my kids sure did! Sorry I haven't been around the blogosphere as much lately. I was battling allergy issues and then I hit a bit of a blogging slump. Plus I've just been BUSY. At one point I thought maybe I should just stop blogging if I don't have time for it, but I really don't want to do that. So what I've decided to do is just blog and comment back when I can! This may mean way less memes/updates and what not, but I don't want stress from blogging since it's supposed to be fun! I know I'm not the only busy/stressed one so hopefully you all understand. Hopefully things in my life will eventually slow down then I'll be around more!
So just in case anyone wants to know I have a few updates on my life and bookish things! First off I have started a bullet journal. Thanks to Neredya from Nick & Neredya's Infinite Booklist for the post about bullet journaling. (click the link up there to see that post) The post inspired me to start my own. I have wanted to start one for a while, but I can't draw and I thought you had to be super creative to be able to do it. Once I found out that's not the case I started one for myself and so far I really love it. I hope it will help me with my memory problem and to stay organized!
Also, I've started a Society6 shop! AngelErin30 So I have no clue what I'm doing yet, but it's fun and I like it. I haven't figured out yet how much time I will put into it, but I'll post on Twitter and IG whenever I have some new designs. If anyone has any designing tips (free designs program suggestions & etc.) let me know! Speaking of tips, does anyone know if it's legal to use quotes from books (newer & older) on there or do you need some kind of permission?
As far as my personal life goes everything is going well, there's just a lot of changes and everything is crazy busy. I've lost 24 lbs so woo hoo! Go keto!! 1 more and I will have lost 25 lbs in about 8 weeks. My husband has also lost a lot of weight doing keto and guess WHAT!? He's going back to school in January! I'm so happy for him and very proud that he's going back to school for his degree. Things will probably be even crazier when he goes back to school, but it will be worth it.
Other than all that, I've just been trying to find time to write and to read. I'm not doing Nanowrimo this year, but I completed it last year and I still haven't really edited any of it. Plus, I have other ideas I should be working on. I need to find time for that and I have so many books that I want to read by the end of the year. Wish me luck please, I need it! There's not enough hours in the day LOL.
I'm going to try and catch up on some blog commenting this week so if you want me to check out a post just leave a link below! I hope everyone is doing well. <3