October 9, 2016

Weekly Updates & Recommendations (10/3/16-10/9/16) PLUS MIss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children MOVIE Review!

This week has been pretty hectic! Well especially this weekend, the weekdays were pretty much same old, same old. Friday night my husband and I took our kids to see the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie. So here's a short review for that: 

I have to say that I enjoyed it better than the book. Which we all know is rare! I rated the book 3 stars back when I read it because while I loved the pictures in the book, it was hard to get into. Also, I don't feel like the writing is that strong since some of the things I didn't 100% understand by the end. The movie did a better job of explaining some things and seeing it visually may have helped. Tim Burton always does a fantastic job! I wasn't interested in reading the other books before, but I might now. It's a really weird reverse for me since I think I'll watch all of the movies first and then read the last two books. Also, the acting in the movie is FANTASTIC. I highly recommend seeing the movie, even if you are meh about the book like me. 

Saturday was pretty busy too. I went out and about and got a lot of things done. Like my car repairs, which cost me almost $400. YIKES. Today is a chill day for me and I'm just spending some time with the family. Also, I've been really enjoying my creepy reads for October! That's really about it this week. 


Reading: The Daemoniac By: Kat Ross and The Many By: Nathan Field.

Watching: I've been watching some more pilots to see what new shows are any good. I watched the pilots for Timeless, Frequency, and Pitch. So far I like all three, but I'm not sure on ANY of these shows how they will go in the long run. I'm surprised to say that I think I enjoyed the Pitch premiere the most. Which is surprising because I hate sports. I like that this has a lot of drama though and the big twist at the end of the pilot is CRAZY! 

Listening To: New JoJo music! I love her song "Too Little, Too Late" from back in the day and I'm THRILLED that she has some good music again. Check out the new songs, "F*ck Apologies," "Mad Love," and my favorite so far, "FAB." There's also one called "Music," but I haven't listened to that one yet. 

AngelErin's A+ Cover of the Week: 

AngelErin's Book Pick of the Week: My Review

For my recommendations this week I decided share some horror movies! I wanted to share ones that are underrated or that people may not know. Some of these I think horror fans may recognize, but I'm not sure so I added them anyway! All of these movies are definitely on my all time favorite horror movies list. Of course I do have a lot of favorites. LOL! 

*Click on movie title to view on IMDB* 

Inside- This is a french film (with subtitles) that I love. This one is not for the faint of heart due to the ending. Just a head's up!

A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night - The tagline for this is, "The first Iranian Vampire Western." It's fantastic and the music is great too. This is one with subtitles. 

Audition - This one is a Japanese film so there are subtitles. I will admit that most of the movie is dull, but the end is worth it. I'm still freaked out by the sound. Watch to find out what I mean! 

Trick 'r' Treat - This one is great if you don't want anything too scary. 

Cube - Before SAW, there was Cube! 

The Taking of Deborah Logan - This one part still haunts me. 

May - Really freaking weird, but good. 

Maniac - This is the remake with Elijah Wood. I haven't seen the old one yet, but this one freaks me out because it's from the killer's POV. 

Clown - Creepy clown + Demonic = What more do you need??

Afflicted - I really liked this one and I didn't expect to. It's different than what I expected. This one part really freaked me out and stuck with me. 

Orphan - Vera Farmiga is in this one!! 

Suspiria - An oldie from the 70's! This one has one the best horror movie music scores in my opinion. 

Antichrist - Willem Dafoe does such an amazing job in this one. It's super strange though, but in a good way.

The Entity - An oldie, but a goodie! I thought everyone knew this one, but I've had many people tell me they've never heard of it. It creeped me out so bad as a kid. 

V/H/S - I wasn't expecting much when I went into this one. I am surprised how freaky and weird it is. It's fantastic though.

Dead Silence - I don't know why this one isn't as well known. The ventriloquist doll thing is just so creepy! 

Okay that's it for this week! It was a pretty good/busy week and I hope to rewatch some of these horror movies this October plus some new ones. I know horror isn't for everyone, but if you want something not too scary I would say that Trick 'r' Treat and Dead Silence aren't too scary. Have you seen any of these movies? How was your week?